Time spend with my best friend

Created by Rosie 8 years ago
Where do I start, sorry I haven't writen on here before its just everytime I have tried to write a story I start crying at all the beautiful stories, I still can't believe I am sitting here writing a story about our Shelby, words can't describe how I felt at the time and how I countinue to feel. She was a lot more than a friend to me the summers where I would never went home. E.g. This including helping her to tidy her room, even though she was admit it was tidy. To me help her write her childcare course work. Also us stuffing are face with what ever we could afford and find. The times where I would meet her outside her fish and chips working days and we would go and sit with homeless man and talk to him about are random day and give him spare food from fish and chip shop. To the New Years parties one of funniest New Years parties is with Shelby and Anna, there we are at this party for Shelby family friend New Years party. Shelby and Anna are drunk as perusal, I'm the one who making sure they don't get into trouble which inclueds clear up there split drinks going to toilet with them (toilet buddy) Shelby then declared she really like this certain boy and he was defiantly going to her midnight kiss, so midnight come around so thought she was his first midnight kiss, but turns out not due to Anna like him too, due to this drama 101 happening, I was like oh here we go, all I'm saying in thank god Tina was there to help me out with this drama. Once we got back to Shelby bewteen the eye looks and the non talking and Shelby and Anna using me a communication aid, I was then demanded to Sleep in between Anna and Shelby, Shelby demarding that I get her hate book of the shelf. This is a book where Shelby would write things down about things that made her cross e.g. Mainly People. unfortunately this book still has not been recover. I have so many memories with are lovely Shelbys, I seriouly miss her and love her like sister for another mother. I promise to share this page and more stories with you all. Love from Rosie. T